What is Crisis Management?

We understand that you spend years building a brand and establishing reputation. We at Media Mantra, proactively minimize or eliminate negative consequences in business to safeguard your reputation. To powerfully manage crisis, we identify facts, categorize gravity of the issue and describe operational measures. Moreover, we consistently communicate with stake-holders and work on real-time basis across all traditional and social media channels.

Besides this, we integrate crisis preparedness in a business plan to provide our clients with stimulated twits and pressures of real crisis, empowering them to act well during existent crisis.

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Media Mantra being innovation and strategic nature and manage industry crisis step by step begin with understanding the nature of the crises.

Our professional first determine whether it is a crisis and if yes what type of this. After getting the crisis we gather a relevant team to handle the problem.

The team of professionals then plan and develop a Procedural Manual to deal with it. We follow the ACT approach (Acknowledge the situation, Coordinate with the right resources and Timely action). We will do our best to protect the reputation of your organization.